My name is Enikő Dorogi, I'm a photographer living in Budapest, Hungary.

My storytelling journey started with making shortfilms until I slowly found my way to reveal narratives in single moments. My passion naturally transformed into photography with my travels. When I walk the streets I always have an endless curiosity to discover new places and to discover the unseen, the fresh in the ordinary. I’m a natural observer. 

Living in Göteborg for almost 5 years and exploring a different culture opened my eyes towards conceptual and art photography as well, which I continued to pursue and study  after moving back to Hungary. 

In my recent work I've been leaning increasingly towards a style that can be described as geometric and/or lyrical abstraction. My current area of interest is centered around the idea of freedom in the photographic (creative) process.

From 2023 I'm doing my Masters studies in Photography at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME).


2024 - 'Field Work - Thank you, this part of the visit is over.' - group exhibition at K11, Budapest

2023 - Göteborg 4/400 solo exhibition, Budapest Photo Festival, Massolit Café

2023 - Budapest 150, group exhibition at Kiscell Museum 

2023 - 'Petőfi 200', group exhibition by Budapest Photo Festival

2022 - "Cuts" series, group exhibition at  Magyar Urbanisztikai Társaság, Budapest

2022 - "My Budapest", selected for group exhibition at Városháza tér for Péter Nádas's Budapest 

2022 - "Maryana" series - group exhibition at Fortebolt-Dokubrom, Budapest

2022 - "Clock" exhibited and selected  as finalist image in B&W category at the Gothenburg Street Photo Festival

2022 - "HOME/..." series, group exhibition with CORSO Photos, at Fortebolt-Dokubrom, Budapest

2022 - "Talált történetek"  selected for group exhibition by K11, Klauzál tér, Budapest

2021 - "End of Summer"  2nd place, Martin Parr Foundation "Openness" competition

2020 - "Shepherd", selected for the Women Street Photographers Virtual Exhibition

2018- 2022 -  selection of works at "Planket" group exhibitions, Gothenburg, Sweden


2023 - : Photography MA, MOME, Budapest

2022: FlowInFoto, Art photography course, Budapest

2021: Corvinus, Photographer course, Budapest

2009: Szellemkép Photography School - Short film course, Budapest

2008: MSc in Economic Sciences, University of Szeged

2005: BA in International Trade and Economics, Budapest Business School

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